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Curious Opening of IEEE Student Branch

Curious Opening of IEEE Student Branch
Curious Opening of IEEE Student Branch

To make MCA student abreast with latest technology and to connect with peers globally, MET Institute of Computer Science has established an IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) student branch with 23 student members and 5 Faculty members. The student branch was inaugurated on 24 February 2018 by Dr. Zia Saquib, Senior IEEE Member, Senior VP Reliance Jio, ex Director CDAC Mumbai. Dr. Zia Saquib delivered the inaugural address, accentuating the need for students to keep in pace with the competitive world through cultivating their obligatory skills like Tech project management, leadership & soft skills. A technical quiz was organized by the IEEE student members for MCA students. It was a curious and quizzy opening of IEEE student branch at MET ICS – the leading MCA institute in Mumbai.

Tags: MET Institute of Computer Science